Mamá y yo a lo largo de los años. Segunda etapa.

Mom and I over the years. Second stage.

She is determined to make me see life as she sees it but I still don't agree...
Mamá y yo a lo largo de los años. Primera etapa.

Mom and I over the years. First stage.

Mom and I were not very close when I was a child, or at least, that was my perception.
30 cosas que no sabía hace 30 años

30 Things I Didn't Know 30 Years Ago

  1. 30 things I didn't know 30 years ago is a very small number to list everything I've learned over these 30 years but very difficult to achieve.
Ser niña toda la vida

Being a girl all my life

"...you would even think that I am another, but no, I am the same."
El privilegio de soñar con el mar

The privilege of dreaming of the sea

I don't concentrate on my work, my mind is divided. I wake up and the first thing I do is feel bad for not having woken up on the beach.
Quiero ser más yo

I want to be more me

3:46 a.m. I went from feeling like nothing makes sense to being so excited to get back to writing.
¿Niña pez?

Fish girl?

Sailor, no. Shark, no. Being a fish, considering myself a fish. Seeing myself as a fish girl makes me smile.
El 8M siempre me mueve de lugar

The 8M always moves me from place

During the last four years my 8M posters have been a personal parameter to know in what emotional state I am...